What can i say?

I wanna be all that yo need
Wanna try to never let you down
This time I believe in you and me
I can still see in your eyes and fine a smile on my lips
I would give you all that I have
This time you really have me everytime
Maybe I´m wrong

What can I say, what can I do?
This is who I am and I don´t wanna hurt you
No matter how stron my feelings are for you
I´ll always end up being hurt
This time I believe in you and me
I don´t wanna give up this time
This tima I can see clearly and perfectly
No matter how strong me feelings are
in the end i´m gonna be hurt.

Postat av: Mirlinda

ok, härligt hehe, jag har också mest tatt det lugnt =)

P.s. Frågestund på min blogg! =D

2010-01-14 @ 01:11:26
URL: http://mirliworld.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Härligt att du förstod, blev lite rörigt=D

Hehe nej de e klart, alla har ju sin smak.

Men för mig, he´s still "the hunk" ;)

2010-01-14 @ 09:29:16
URL: http://majafelicia.blogg.se/
Postat av: Malin

SV: Jovars ^^

Allt bra idag då?

2010-01-14 @ 15:45:54
URL: http://stopandreplay.blogg.se/
Postat av: Malinhe - en blogg av text & bilder

SV: tack! :D

2010-01-14 @ 17:50:32
URL: http://malinhee.blogg.se/
Postat av: Malinhe - fotobloggen!

Sv: JAPP! :D

2010-01-14 @ 20:24:38
URL: http://malinhee.blogg.se/

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